Bernadine McGuire, an A Level lecturer at Neath College, part of NPTC Group of Colleges, has been honoured at the recent Pride of Wales Awards, winning the highly prestigious award for ‘Teacher of the Year’ (sponsored by Apollo Teaching Services) at the ceremony held at the Brangwyn Hall, Swansea on the 11th of July.
The Nation Radio Pride of Wales Awards, sponsored by Atlantic Recycling and in support of Prostate Cymru, celebrates the extraordinary contributions of individuals from across Wales, honouring the exceptional talents and remarkable achievements of those who exemplify the spirit of excellence, dedication, and community spirit.
The awards celebrate individuals from across the realms of academics, arts, sports, community service, and entrepreneurship. Awards include ‘Outstanding Bravery’, ‘Fundraiser of the Year’ and ‘Child of Courage’ to name but a few.
Award winner Bernadine has worked for NPTC Group of Colleges for nearly three decades as an AS/A Level French lecturer. She is also the Coordinator of the college’s Gifted and Talented in Education programme and makes a significant contribution to the Seren network – a programme which supports Wales’s brightest pupils.
Bernadine’s remarkable ability to recognize hidden talents and empower her students is truly inspiring. Her impact on those humble and unassuming children, who might have otherwise been overlooked, is immeasurable. Through her teaching and influence, she has opened doors to new possibilities and elevated their lives beyond what they or their families could have imagined. Bernadine’s self-deprecating nature only adds to her charm, as she remains unaware of the incredible talent she possesses in coaxing greatness from young people. Many of her students have gone on to study at prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.
Bernadine’s lessons are described as ‘inspirational’ which explains the consistently high AS/A Level pass rate she has maintained. The A Level pass rate for French at NPTC Group of College is 100% with many of her students achieving A*/A grade profiles, often above national comparator levels.
Her passion and enthusiasm for modern foreign languages is infectious she has organised several transition days for prospective pupils at the college and has arranged for guest lecturers from top universities to speak to current AS/A Level students and further encourage them to study languages at as they progress to higher education.
Bernadine is hugely respected by staff and students at the college and is a highly valued member of the 6th Form Academy.
Deputy Head of School for the Sixth Form Academy, Selina Philpin said: “On behalf of the Sixth Form Academy management team at NPTC Group of Colleges, we are delighted and incredibly proud of Bernadine for winning this award. Her commitment to the students has always been her number one priority, as shown by the excellent grades achieved each year by her A Level French students, along with the numerous academic opportunities she has provided for students as Coordinator of the Sixth Form Academy’s ‘Gifted and Talented in Education’ (GATE) programme. One phrase that continues to be uttered by staff upon hearing of Bernadine’s achievement is ‘well deserved’, and for this reason, we are all honoured to have been able to call her our colleague, and she will be greatly missed following her retirement this summer. We wish her a long and happy retirement.”