Course Overview

The AS Level / A Level Photography is a full-time Further Education course, with the option to also study as a standalone part-time course. Designed for students wanting to work in the Creative Arts industry, with aspirations of becoming a Photographer or just being interested in taking better pictures. This is located in the Creative, Visual and Performing Arts (CVP) Department.

This course will give you the opportunity to develop technical and artistic skills in Photography. You will be producing exciting creative work in both digital and traditional media, using specialist facilities; our darkroom, lighting studio and Apple Mac computer suite.

You will develop knowledge of darkroom practice as well as how to manipulate images digitally using Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and other software, as well as using DSLR cameras, drawing, painting, print media and desktop publishing.

These are explored within the context of thematic projects and live briefs. You will also learn specialist vocabulary and gain a knowledge and understanding of historical and contemporary graphic designers and relevant artists and photographers.

Applying for AS Levels or A Levels? Click ‘Apply Now’ on any ONE of the subjects you are interested in studying. Complete the online application form, where you will be asked to specify your other two choices. Then book an Interview appointment to meet the tutors and discuss your preferred choices…

Creative Visual and Performing Arts