Multiply: Numeracy for Success: Level 1/2 Essential Skills Wales (Part-Time)
Course Overview
These flexible numeracy courses are aimed at small groups of adult learners who don’t hold a level 2 numeracy or maths qualification and who are looking to return to education and / or up-skill to enter the employment market. We anticipate working with small community groups or individuals. Lessons can be held at the College campuses across the NPT area, or within local community centres, libraries or outreach centres across the NPT area. While students gain a great deal from in-person delivery and support, there will be opportunities that can be tailored to suit individuals where hybrid or online delivery is more suitable.
All lessons will be delivered by subject specialists and in teacher lead sessions.
To compliment the delivery, suitable digital devices will be provided to the students during the lessons. We will use these to incorporate the use of MathsWatch, an AI, interactive, digital learning platform. There are short videos covering content, practise questions and exam style questions linked to the WJEC GCSE specification. This will give the students opportunities to develop their independent study skills and digital literacy. Students can use the MathsWatch programme when at home, to revisit, revise and further strengthen their understanding of topics covered. They can also work ahead and build up subject knowledge prior to the lessons.
Student fully completing the course and final qualification assessments may be eligible to receive a digital device to keep.
Level 1/2 maths skills are fundamental requirements to many careers.
This course will deliver the Essential Skills Wales level 2 specification and be available as an accredited and non-accredited course. Throughout the delivery there are multiple opportunities to achieve Agored Cymru units at level 1 or 2. These units will help to build confidence and numeracy skills and will be smaller stepping stones along the way towards achieving the Essential Skills Wales qualification.
The Agored Cymru units available will be:
Level 1: Using calculations, whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages, (RB11CY015)
Level 1 Statistics, (RB71CY004)
Level 2 Number, (RB12CY036)
The course will have 3 hours of delivery per week over a 14 week period in order to achieve the full Essential Skills qualification. However students can join at any point in the course to upskill their numeracy with the Agored Cymru units.
The Agored Cymru units are assessed via a portfolio completed in class with your lecturer’s support.
The assessment of the Essential Skills qualification includes a controlled task where students will be fully supported and the task will be completed in class over 5 hours. There is also an online multiple choice assessment which takes just 45 minutes.
The course can be accredited or non-accredited and there will be College certification to recognise attendance, achievements and participation linked to a breakdown of topics covered.
The Agored Cymru units are assessed via a portfolio completed in class with your lecturer’s support.
The assessment of the Level 1/2 Essential Skills Wales: Numeracy qualification includes a controlled task where students will be fully supported, and the task will be completed in class over 5 hours. There is also an online multiple-choice assessment which takes just 45 minutes.