Step into the vibrant world of NPTC Group of Colleges’ international partnerships in the Middle East! We warmly welcome our dynamic India and Middle East Associate, Mr Gagan Aggarwal. As our key liaison in the region, Gagan takes charge of project management on the ground and is dedicated to discovering, vetting, and bringing forth the most promising opportunities.

Gagan’s expertise and passion for nurturing relationships have led to the establishment of exceptional collaborations with industry verticals across the Middle East. These partnerships bridge academic excellence and the ever-evolving needs of the job market.

Within this microsite, you’ll uncover many possibilities our Middle East partnerships offer. From specialised programs to impactful initiatives, each collaboration catalyses growth and advancement.

Join us in celebrating the success stories and the tangible impact of these partnerships on our students and partner organisations. We encourage you to connect with Gagan Aggarwal and our team to explore how your institution or company can become an integral part of this transformative journey.


In the Middle East, NPTC Group is committed to delivering a range of innovative and impactful initiatives to enhance education and professional development opportunities. Here’s an overview of our offerings in the region:

Joint Qualifications with NPTC Group:

NPTC Group collaborate with educational institutions in the Middle East to develop and offer joint qualifications. These programs combine the expertise and resources of both partners, providing students with comprehensive and globally recognised academic credentials.

Immersion Programs:

Our immersive educational experiences in the Middle East allow students to delve into the English language, British culture, and academic disciplines. These programs offer a hands-on and engaging learning environment, enriching students’ language proficiency and cultural understanding.

Faculty Development Programs:

NPTC Group conducts faculty development programs in the Middle East to empower educators with effective teaching techniques and pedagogy. These programs enhance the expertise of faculty members, resulting in a positive impact on the overall quality of education.

Formal Quality Assurance Programs for Teachers Offering UK Qualifications:

Our focus on ensuring high-quality education extends to formal quality assurance programs for teachers in the Middle East who offer UK qualifications. Through these programs, we support educators in maintaining the highest standards in their teaching practices and delivering UK-accredited courses. 

Full UK Qualifications in the Middle East:

NPTC Group, in close association with the reputable UK awarding bodies, offers full UK qualifications in the Middle East. This collaboration enables students in the region to pursue globally recognised qualifications without the need to travel abroad, making quality education more accessible and convenient.

Benefits of Our Initiatives:

International Recognition: Joint qualifications and full UK qualifications offer students in the Middle East access to globally recognised academic credentials, enhancing their career prospects.

Enhanced Language Skills: Immersion programs contribute to improved English language proficiency, vital for success in a globalised world.

Cultural Exchange: Immersive experiences foster cross-cultural understanding, promoting diversity and mutual respect.

Faculty Excellence: Faculty development programs empower educators to deliver impactful and engaging lessons.

Quality Assurance: Formal quality assurance programs uphold the standard of UK-accredited courses, ensuring the delivery of high-quality education.

Through these collaborative efforts, NPTC Group aims to contribute to education and professional development significantly and positively in the Middle East, preparing individuals for success in an increasingly interconnected world.


We continue to explore new partnerships and opportunities to expand our network. Together with our local partners, we strive to create a lasting impact on education and professional development, shaping a brighter future for students and communities in the region.

Success Story


If you are keen on discovering opportunities for collaboration and fostering meaningful partnerships with NPTC Group of Colleges in the Middle East, we invite you to contact Mr Gagan Aggarwal, our India and Middle East Associate. Gagan is enthusiastic about exploring new avenues for joint initiatives, faculty development programs, and offering formal Quality Assurance for teachers delivering UK qualifications in the region. Together, let’s unlock the potential for growth and excellence in education and beyond.


Ensure both microsites are easily accessible from the international section of the main website.

Include a menu with options to explore different aspects of the partnerships, such as programs, benefits, and testimonials.

Make sure the navigation is user-friendly and intuitive.

Design and Branding

Use a design layout that aligns with NPTC’s overall website branding but gives the microsites a distinct look.

Utilise high-quality images, graphics, and logos to make the pages visually appealing.

Keep the design responsive to ensure a seamless experience on various devices.